Wednesday, December 28, 2005

My Letter to the New York Times

Gang, I couldn't take it any longer... I had to write the New York "Slimes" tonight. I encourage you to do the same. The email addresses are below, for those who don't have them.

Dear Sirs:

I know you probably won't even read this email, but it doesn't matter. These statements, observations, and questions need to be made/asked.

Back when the non-story of Valerie "not a covert-agent" Plame came out, your newspaper dogged the White House and the Bush Administration, DEMANDING to know the source of the "alleged" leak of Valerie Plame's name. It was, in fact, her own husband who outed her (if she was outed at all) in his own book! Not to mention, I don't think a true "covert" agent would be appearing in Vanity Fair on a regular basis in the society page photos with her husband.

Your paper has run story after story on this Plame-gate issue, yet when TRUE issues of SEVERE Top-Secret National Security are breached by your paper, I have to say I find it quite disingenous that nobody at your publication has similarly "demanded" an investigation into these leaks!?!? When is somebody in your organization going to do that? Demand the source of the leaks? Or tell us who is leaking this TRULY classified information?

First it was the secret prisons in Europe, now the NSA wire-tapping issue. These are two issues that do nothing but give the terrorists a "heads up" about what the Bush Administration and our military men & women are doing to try and protect this country, and more importantly, your rights to publish whatever garbage you want. You are endangering the very lives of our military, yet all you do is write about how many are being killed.

What parallel universe do you people work in that you don't you see your circulation has gone down significantly in the past, along with the rest of the mainstream media outlets out in the United States? Have you not yet figured out why? Running a business, it should be all about the bottom line, and I thought you all would have gotten it by now.

But your desire to bring down the Bush Administration sadly outweighs your desire to be a success in the world of Journalism. Your stance on issues of the day, especially our National Security, will cause your paper's demise, and it will have been at your own doing. Do you think it's some kind of chicanery that Fox News is the new front-runner in the television media? The country is sick of the obvious liberal media bias that is the "norm" these days, and you all don't fool anybody anymore (well, a select few leftist myrmidons, maybe).

Sadly, it may also give the terrorists (read = OUR enemy) enough information to adjust their strategy, and will partly weaken the resolve of the American people to stand behind our troops and this President, to have patience in this war. Yes, we are at war regardless
of what your news & editorial pages proclaim.

I also find it highly suspicious that the editors of the New York Times sat on the article about the NSA and wire-tapping until right before the Senate was to vote on the Patriot Act. Seems much like the National Guard fake memos aired by CBS & Dan Rather just prior to the '04 elections. Timing is everything, isn't it? Your hatred for this President and his Administration is transparent and quite obvious.

I can promise you one thing, sirs; if our nation is attacked again, and the American people find out your stories revealing TRUE National Security secrets had anything to do with it, you will most certainly rue the day you felt ice in your veins for this President, his Administration, and this great country that is the United States of America. And if any of my family, friends, or loved ones are hurt in these attacks, I will be MOST delighted to start a Class Action lawsuit against your "news" organization!

Passing your email addresses to all of my friends, I'm also going to ask them to email you and voice their opinions.

I end this contentious email with one question; when, sirs, will you demand a Federal Investigation into the leaks your paper has published, and spend as much time hounding the Federal Government for this investigation as you did the Valerie Plame non-affair?

Anxiously awaiting your reply...

In case anyone's interested, here are the important email addressses to write to at the New York Times - LET'S FLOOD THEIR EMAIL INBOXES!
Ms. U
Linked at StoptheACLU here & here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I linked to this post from here: on my site. Great letter!

December 30, 2005 6:34 AM  

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