Sunday, September 25, 2005

Personal Responsibility & Taxes

There is no such thing as the "less fortunate." UNfortunate, maybe, but not "less" fortunate. That implies that those who are successful in life merely came by their success ouf of sheer luck. And those who don't succeed, well, that's just their bad luck. That's B.S.

A person who wins the Mega Millions is "fortunate;" a person who wins a $2 scratch-off ticket is "less fortunate." Get the picture?

Also, poverty is a behavioral condition, not a circumstance. In other words, poverty, or being "poor," is a choice. You are where you are in your life (as am I) ONLY because of the choices you have made. You can either be a participant in life, or you can let it pass you by; either way, "life happens."

Everybody should get on board with "The Fair Tax" revolution! Get the IRS out of your life and get behind this legislation SB25! Support Neal Boortz & GA Congressman John Linder's book "The Fair Tax." Keep 100% of your paycheck, and ensure that everyone pays their fair share into the system at the consumption level.


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