Wednesday, November 09, 2005

World Politics and Appeasement - Dave's View

events in France, the rest of Europe in general, and today's bombings of hotels (see photo right) in Amman, Jordan indicate the folly of appeasement with terrorists.

The youthful, deprived, low income, desperate juveniles in France are not rioting for equality, they are rioting because they are Muslims and their Imams have been preaching 'Holy War' to them all of their lives. They flat out hate all Westerners, in fact they hate anyone that is not a Muslim. Great religion that.

To make matters even worse, Christianity is practically non-existent in what was once a staunchly Catholic country. So secularism rules, just as it does here in many parts of the U.S.

Of course the price of that secularism is a vacuum which the Muslims are attempting to fill at any cost.

Now, socialist France is ripe for this kind of activity. It has nothing to do with class warfare or lack of jobs. Any of these 'utes' would have been far worse off in their ethnic country of origin, but don't look for that in the news.

The media can't even bring itself to call them Muslim terrorists, which make the news media about as much of a eunuch as the sorry leaders of France.

The liberals of the United States are intellectually bereft of knowing how to deal with terrorists and the crises they are causing throughout the world on an almost daily basis now.

Why must we relive 1938 all over again just so that we can relearn the lessons taught to us by Neville Chamberlin? This is one of those "You can pay me now . . . or you can pay me later" kind of things, and if we wait to pay later, the price will be that much more dear.

Contributed by guest writer,
David S. Wagner
Col (USAR ret.)
Linked at PoliticalTeen


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