Sunday, September 25, 2005

Cindy's Jihad on D.C.

It's become painfully obvious that Cindy Sheehan's war on D.C. has gone way beyond demanding a conversation with President Bush. Today at the the anti-war (anti-American) rally in D.C., afer her lengthy diatribe against the Bush Administration, her followup speakers spoke volumes.

First up was Nancy Wolforth who is the VP of the AFL-CIO, and all she could talk about was Halluburton. She said that if the troops were not in Iraq, they could be in the Gulf Coast helping the poor blacks to evacuate from that region.

Then was Josh Ruhnon (sp?), who spoke for the end of "the Israeli occupation" of the Arab nations! Wait a minute.... I thought this was about Cindy's long-lost son, Casey???

Oh, then yes.. next up was the pre-eminent British MP George Galloway, who thinks he can bloviate about what we Americans need to do to protect ourselves.

If I had a dime for every time I heard "Halliburtin," "Karl Rove," "No WMDs," "No-bid contracts," "racism," etc., I'd be a rich person. Galloway says George Bush is sending them to be killed for a "pack of lies," but who is he to dictate American policies? He wants the world to be free, but he's obviously not seen the weely Al Qaeda missive about how valiant Katrina was at killing the "homosexual" permissive lands of the United States.


Yes, they blame the homosexual lifestyles of America for the wrath of Katrina, and call Katrina a soldier of Allah! Do the Libs think that the Islamofasicsts would spare them because they are "peace-loving?" Yeah, like Islam is SUCH a peace-loving religion itself!!!

There will only be peace through superior firepower... and the Cindy Sheehans, Jane Fondas, etc., of this country that, given the chance, will be our undoing. Republicans must stand up and unite! We are the "silent majority" that has been previously described.



Blogger Kobayashi Maru said...

I love the Halliburton part. If anyone on the left ever bothered to check, they'd nice that the company's stock hasn't done as well as the major market indices since this administration entered office. If Halliburton is a conspiracy, it's a pretty inept one. :)

September 25, 2005 2:10 PM  
Blogger MsUnderestimated said...

Thanks for noticing the same thing.. I think the Left is having a melt-down, and they're (in Gen. Honore's words) "Stuck on Stupid." They only have a few talking points to use, i.e., "Halliburton," "No WMDs!," "Karl Rove," "9/11 was pre-planned," "this is a war-for-oil," etc. What a bunch of lunacy...

Thank you for the kind words...

September 25, 2005 4:15 PM  

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