Sunday, October 09, 2005

Half of the U.S. is "Stuck on Stupid"

This is one of the best reads I've seen... Leave it to our military men & women to have an honest and unbiased view, because they are the ones on the front-lines protecting the freedoms of America. From Lt. Col. Michael Burkert, US Army (ret.), in the Octobber 8th edition on of

I was reminiscing this morning about how wonderful our past 4th of July was. In Germany, it was just another workday for the Germans, but not for us. Our U.S. Forces celebrated with not only military pomp, but also pride in their hearts. I saw this; it made me proud to be an American.

Back in the United States, there were the normal 4th of July parades in cities and towns. Proud soldiers, sailors and marines stood at rigid attention when our flag past, and rendered snappy salutes in memory of all the fallen Americans who fought and won our many wars. The old World War II heroes, their slightly younger Korean War compatriots as well as us Vietnam guys stopped and remembered those we lost in far off places. Our current heroes who fight in far off Afghanistan and Iraq were represented as well. Their memories are not as distant as ours are, yet they stood the 4th of July parade this year as proud as any of their predecessors. No doubt the same pride I witnessed here in Germany.

Yet sadly, there is another element in our nation. An element that could careless about the 4th of July and thinks that service men and women are all chumps, thugs and losers. The exception is when liberals can use a service member or in the case of that nutty woman, the mother of an American hero. That nutty woman turned left on her hero son’s very grave! She’s now the darling of America’s leftist anti-war morons, who use her as a means to damage our country. She’s a pawn in the left’s efforts to sow doubt, deception and defeatism.

This is an element deceived by dark forces. Dark forces that are bent on the very destruction of our nation, the United States of America. That element would rather burn our flag, than to salute it. They would rather desecrate our flag and not honor what it stands for.

That deceived element of our country assumes we are not at war. That element still clings to the notion that Islam is a religion of love, peace, understanding and tolerance. They believe that terrorism is a police problem, and that the police need to arrest perpetrators, and insure that their “rights” are observed. Many liberals view terrorism as something the American people deserve. To some liberals, terrorism is just a mater of “Abdullah, Mohammed and the boys exercising their rights.”

Religion of Peace? Give me a BREAK!

So many on the looney left are so disillusioned as to what we are truly fighting against. Sadly, these days we are not only fighting the enemy abroad, but we're also fighting the enemy within. That enemy goes by the names Jane Fonda, Cindy Sheehan, Teddy *hick* Kennedy, Chuck-E-Cheese Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Dick "the Turban" Durbin, Patrick "Leaky" Leahy, Martin Sheen, Whoopi Goldberg, Barbra Streisand, Michael Moore, etc., etc., etc. ad infinitum. You get the idea, right?

Thank God for people like Lt. Col Burkert. You are one of the reasons I am not only able to post these messages here, but also why I am SO very proud to be an American!

Trackback to PoliticalTeen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

michael burkert is a racist and so are you..a are part of the half who are stuck and stupid... I salute the likes of Jane Fonda, Cindy Sheehan, Teddy Kennedy, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durbin, Patrick Leahy, Martin Sheen, Whoopi Goldberg, Barbra Streisand, Michael Moore. They are respectable, educated. broad-minded, tolerant human beings

January 20, 2006 4:25 AM  

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