Saturday, October 08, 2005

Clinton Aides Battling Freeh

BREAKING on Drudge tonight!

The Clintonistas are sweating this one out, but I don't think they're going to get any love with this one. And who the hell does Sandy "the pants Burglar" think he is, in postulating his "opinion:"?

"The president did not raise in any fashion the issue of his library."
Oh, really he didn't? Isn't there such a thing as "libel" and "slander?" If that's the case, then since Freeh so fervently made the case and the statements, the Clintons have every right to sue him! Not only that, but Bob Novak, in 2002, wrote a piece about that very thing! (yes... $20M for the Clinton library/massage parlor)

Do you think they will sue Freeh? No... because they know they're in the wrong! Just like Shrillary has NEVER sued Dick Morris, who has made it his personal mission in life to make SURE the Hildabeast is not elected in '08!

The apologists of the Left are in defensive posture mode..

Let us pray...


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