Sunday, September 25, 2005

Gold Star Families @ Rally to Honor Our Troops

Folks, I got up today and turned on the television. The TRUE Gold Star Families were speaking out loudly and proudly about the service of their sons, daughters, husbands, wives, fathers and mothers. I was so deeply moved to see this, and contrasted against the maniacal rants of Jihad Cindy Sheehan that I watched (painfully so) last night.

One Gold Star father said something simple yet so profound that I stood up and cheered. In ending his time on the podium, he said he had a message for all the anti-war, anti-America idiots out there protesting.

"Cindy lies, Casey cries!"

I would bet that he is not speaking too far from the truth. I wonder why Cindy won't read her last letter from her son to us, as so many other family members have today? I heard a lot of folks"Huuah!" in the crowd today, and it made me feel so proud of my country.

One observation I made today is it seems the pro-America supporters seem much more calm, together, and resolute, compared to the dirty, rag-tag, disheveled bunch that are always protesting AGAINST the war and this country!

God Bless the USA!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most af America honors the sacriface that the men and women are doing in Iraq, me included. What I don't uhderstand is why you still support our president even though he lied about the reasons for going to war. It seems as if you support the war no matter what the reasons for entering it were.

September 25, 2005 3:41 PM  
Blogger MsUnderestimated said...

First before I can respond to you, I'd have to know what you think were the "lies." Also, I do support the war, because if we aren't fighting in on enemy soil, we would be fighting them on our soil. That's something that is not in question. The enemy has been attacking us both on our soil and abroad for decades. Please let me know which "lies" you're alluding to, and I'll respond appropriately.

September 25, 2005 4:12 PM  

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