Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The Ultimate Sacrifice

As we close out this day amongst all the news of insane political wrangling, demagogeury, partisan bickering, and accusations of corruption, I want to leave you with this very moving video. It was passed along to me by a friend who is in the Marines and just returned from Germany. The video is about CPL Bobby Warns, and pays tribute to his service. I have been given permission by my friend to post this here.

We should all, from time to time, take a moment out of our busy schedules to reflect on the sacrifices our military men and women make. It is only fitting that we pay homage to those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice so that the rest of us can feel comfortable and safe knowing that we live in the the best country in the world, and that we can remain as free as we are.

I have to warn you, this movie takes a moment to load, but it is very much worth the view and listen (excellent music). I must warn you, however, to have a hanky handy... it will make you sad, proud, and honored to have been one whose freedom he served oh so well.

Semper Fi and Godspeed, Marine...

(Many thanks to Doc's Patriotic Graphics for the images here...check out his site; he has lots of wonderful military and patriotic images that he offers for free. Thanks, Doc)

ThePoliticalTeen is also linking this post.


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