Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Bad Pork Spending (from the hometeam!)

What would you do if you wanted to have a giant fish painted on an Alaska Airlines Boeing 737? Well, if you're the son of Senator Ted Stevens (R) of Alaska, you just ask your dad to get it from the Federal Government! That's right, the Federal Government (read: "you, the taxpayer").

That's exactly what happened. Stevens' son is none other than the chairman of the Alaska Fisheries Marketing Board, which is the group who "paid" for the paintjob to promote fishing in Alaska!

Now, I know you guys are going to be screaming at me "BUT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO SUPPORT THE REPUBLICANS, NOT BASH THEM!" Bash away all you want, but after the state of Montana showed their beneficence and give back all of their pork from the Transportation Bill to help pay for hurricane rebuilding efforts, then I'm just calling a "fish" a "fish." If Montana could do it, certainly some other political leaders could have done the same and SHOULD do the same in the future!

I'm sorry, my friends, but after a certain congressman, who shall remain nameless at this point, said "all the pork that could be cut from the budge had been cut," I just gotta put my two cents in on this one! We gotta start holding them accountable for their out-of-control spending! This is NOT the "smaller government" we were promised if we elected and re-elected our people!

I almost forgot something... Wonder just how much did this "fish mural" cost the taxpayers? A measley half-million dollars. What a waste! ... Pork is supposed to be the "other white meat," but I don't think they meant it to be Alaskan King Salmon.

- Dr. TRuth


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