Friday, September 30, 2005

American Criminal Liberties Union

Well, folks... get ready for it. A federal judge has ordered the release of 74 additional photos from the Abu Ghraib prison scandal. Another victory for the ACLU. When are we ever going to get it right, and start calling this organization by the name it so richly deserves and has earned - the "Anti-American Criminal Liberties Union"?

By all accounts, the mainstream media dedicated more time to Abu Ghraib than they did the liberation of Fallujah. Yet, with the release of these new pictures, reportedly redacted to a certain extent, and allegedly nothing "different" than the original photos, it will once again be "All Abu Ghraib, All the Time TV." I just hope everyone is prepared. This judge has some record!

According to the story, "U.S. District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein said that terrorists "do not need pretexts for their barbarism" and that suppressing the pictures would amount to submitting to blackmail."

Submitting to blackmail? I don't call it "blackmail submission" if we are protecting our interests at home (against the Looney Left) and abroad (against the Islamofascist jihadists and Euro-Weenies alike). What more does this judge, or the ACLU, think we will learn from these photos? And why is the ACLU so interested? I didn't see them moving in to demand the Capitol Police pull up the hundreds of white crosses that "Jihad" Cindy Sheehan placed on federal property during her D.C. anti-war protest by the mindless masses on the Left, yet they are so willing to step in and demand we take the 10 Commandments out of our courthouses!??

If that lunatic judge thinks the release of these photos will NOT incense the terrorists, he must live on the same planet with Cindy! No, wait.. maybe he goes up to the "Mother Wheel" to confer with Louie Farrakhan!?? These photos will do exactly what he says they won't, and it will be all to the glee of the liberals. Isn't that sad? It is apodictic that the Left is probably celebrating this latest ruling, and to me, folks, that is absolutely ghoulish. I can't help but picture Dan Rather standing up and cheering when he heard this news, knowing his National Guard story failed so miserably, thanks to the blogosphere, even though he still believes it to be true in his sick, twisted mind.

Yes, there will be more bloodshed; yes, there will be more innocent contractors killed, tortured & hung from bridges; and yes, I dare predict, there may even be more kidnappings and sawing-off of heads to be played on AlJazeera when this happens. And the fault for this will fall only at the feet of this judge and the ACLU. What is it going to take to stop this maniacal organization?

If so many Democrats really believe that the U.S. Government should base its decisions based on International Law, what would they think if they knew what kind of "reception" the ACLU (or a similar organization) would get in the U.K.? PM Tony Blair would have none of it, and would dress them down oh-so-eloquently.

The actions of the ACLU have done more harm to America's interests than has the United Nations (well, it's a close tie on this one). They are perhaps the single most dangerous organization in this country. We need a strong, united stand to face this brutal "regime" called the ACLU. We can only hope and pray that the appeal of Hellerstein's ruling is successful. Until then.... bend over and grab your ankles! This ain't gonna be pretty...

By the way... if you care, you might want to write or call the (dis)Honorable Judge himself!


Blogger loboinok said...

Great job. What it makes the terrorist do is use it to fuel their jihad propaganda.

September 30, 2005 1:18 PM  
Blogger loboinok said...

highhatter... The Blogger Profile you requested cannot be displayed. Many Blogger users have not yet elected to publicly share their Profile.

And yet you ask... "why are you so frightened of the pictures being shown?"... what gall!

A better question might be... Why are you not demanding that the ACLU fight for, and the MSM publish pictures of the beheadings of Americans and others?
The photos of Americans and others jumping to their deaths from the WTC towers?
Photos of the corpses pulled from the Pentagon and the PA field?
What does it take to satisfy your sick, morbid curiosity?

October 02, 2005 8:16 PM  
Blogger loboinok said...

MsUnderestimated... GOOD site you have here! I believe you will do well.

October 02, 2005 8:24 PM  
Blogger MsUnderestimated said...

Thank you, Loboinok! I'm fairly new to this, but it has been my passion for a while... I'll be getting more up-to-speed when I get my new PC system. Right now I'm a "work in progress," but it won't take long!

By the way.. .I'm an Okie, too! High-fivers for ya!

October 03, 2005 1:14 PM  
Blogger loboinok said...

Well then, since you are an Okie too... I KNOW you will do well!

A high-fiver to you too! ;)

October 04, 2005 3:38 AM  

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