Monday, October 03, 2005

Ronnie Earle Gets a "Do-Over?"

Does this ACTUALLY surprise any of us? Knowing how the democrooks operate, no it doesn't. It's reported again tonight that once more Earle is re-indicting Tom DeLay on a NEW indictment! (photo courtesy of the AP)

According to the article,

"The new indictment, handed up by a grand jury seated Monday, contains two counts: conspiring to launder money and money laundering. The latter charge carries a penalty of up to life in prison. Last week, DeLay was charged with conspiracy to violate campaign finance laws.
Defense lawyers asked a judge Monday to throw out the first indictment, arguing that the charge of conspiring to violate campaign finance laws was based on a statute that didn't take effect until 2003 - a year after the alleged acts."
Guess his film crew's documentary isn't going so well. Know what this reminds me of, folks? The "big lie" theory that the idiot Left uses all the time. If they scream "No WMDs, No WMDs!" long enough, loud enough, and consistently enough, the mindless masses of the left will absorb that into their tiny funds of knowledge, and regurgitate it at will. This is no more than political hacking by this obviously-enraged Democrook who can't get any REAL evidence on DeLay.

And the Left charges us with constant "demagogeury?"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interested. Keep Blogging!

December 16, 2005 12:22 PM  

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