Monday, October 03, 2005

There's No Crying in the "White House!"

(10/04/05 - update: HatTip to PoliticalTeen reader, Godfrey Daniel - audioclip available on Putfile)

What in the hell has gotten into Hollyweird lately? Oh, sorry, guess that was a rhetorical question (and idiotic one, at that!).

With the emergence of Hollyweird's latest foray into their attempt to force political change in the White House, it's patently clear they're trying to make the myrmidons on the Left drink some more Kool-Aid while they watch this banality, then come '08, they'll SURELY vote for the Hildabeast as Prez., seeing as how Geena Davis sure played a swell one, by golly, on TV!!!!

As broken by Drudge on Sunday, actor Donald Sutherland, who plays Speaker of the House in this TV show, has suddenly become the pre-eminent (and newest) expert on political and world affairs.

During recent interview with the BBC:

"Sutherland ripped Bush and his administration for the war and Hurricane Katrina fallout."They were inept. The were inadequate to the task, and they lied," Sutherland charged."And they were insulting, and they were vindictive. And they were heartless. They did not care. They do not care. They do not care about Iraqi people. They do not care about the families of dead soldiers. They only care about profit."
"At one point during the session, Sutherland started crying: "We've stolen our children's future... We have children. We have children. How dare we take their legacy from them. How dare we. It's shameful. What we are doing to our world."

"Sutherland went on rip Karl Rove's "methods and means" against people like Cindy Sheehan."We're back to burning books in Germany," Sutherland said of NBC's editing out of Kanye West's comment on Bush during a hurricane relief telethon."
Now, I know they've realized they can't pontificate in the public forum about their political views and get anywhere with them, so I guess it's come down to this: 1) making movies & TV to try to "entertain" their views into our lives, and now; 2) crying about it when it they fail.

'Scuse me while I go grab a hanky.... ~sniff, sniff~


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